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Stock information
All products listed on our website are available in our warehouse, which means that we can always deliver them without long delays. Just add what you want to buy to your shopping cart and choose your preferred payment method.

The stock is updated online, so it could happen that during the purchase process the stock runs out.

In the event that the product is out of stock we will contact the customer to inform them of the situation, indicating the approximate delivery date on which the order will be delivered without extra charge. Alternatively, the customer will be offered the option of choosing a product with similar or superior characteristics to the one initially ordered, as well as being able to exercise their right to withdrawal and resolution.

If the product is out of stock and the customer does not accept any of the proposed options, the amount paid will be fully refunded in accordance with current regulations.

How can I know the status of my order?
When you place an order you will receive a confirmation email and a summary of your order.

Once your order is processed by the carrier, you will receive an email for the tracking of the goods. If you have any doubts, you can contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Failure to deliver
If after 2 attempts we are unable to deliver your order, the goods will be returned to our warehouse and you will have 2 options:

Request another shipment to the same or a different address, in which case the shipping costs will be charged.
Ask for a refund. In this case the price of the goods will be refunded minus the shipping costs and the costs of returning the product.